Personal Training

Getting Motivated & Staying Motivated

Getting Results

That's what Personal Training is all about.

I recognise that EVERY person is an individual and I know that everyone needs their own bespoke programme according to many determining factors as well as what they want to achieve.

The programmes are not only tailoured exclusively for you but they are also designed so that your interest is maintained and your body is constantly challenged. The programmes will also teach you correct posture.

Your weight, body fat, blood pressure & resting heart rate can all be measured and tracked so that you can see your progress on paper, as well as in the mirror.

80% of gym memberships lapse in the first 6 months as people simply don't see instant results, lack the knowledge to know what to do or they simply aren't able to go on a regular basis which gives no value for money.

A personal trainer solves all these issues and more and when some PT's are charging £50-£75 per hour, this represents great value for money. Plus of course, the Gym comes to you!

The sessions will last no less than one hour from start to finish and will also include warms ups, flexibility & cool downs to ensure that your body is not only properly prepared for the session, but is also ready for the next one!


Personal Training 1-2-1 for real people needing affordable yet professional training, motivation & advice.

A whole range of services available including nutrition & weight management advice all available to cater exclusively for your individual needs.

We'll push you to limits you never knew you had, deliver results & help smash you goals.

And we'll have fun on our journey.

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